Wednesday, June 30, 2010

i guess i am back

a new blogger buddy asked me and his other friends to be straightforward and be critical on his writings:

i wrote this:

"half a decade of blogging and i pen no better than my high school theme-writing days. but i've been to several hundreds if not a few thousands of sites and read more blog posts than the number of verses in the bible and in the qu'ran combined...thrice!

your blog lacks life. you're full of heartbeats in 4D...that is why i enjoy your company a lot..but you are rather dull in HTML format.

breathe life into your pieces. that's where i toss my 2 cents.

3 posts in a few're doing just fine... pen some more buddy.


here are some of my fave:"

right after clicking "post", i felt like writing again. and i just did. i guess I AM back.


heart-on-sleeve said...

welcome back!!!

Unknown said...

Sorry for the really delayed response. I became inactive for a few months.

Thanks for the fave, btw. :D